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#46 Preparatory stages of the digital printing process: from files to ceramic support

ZS Lab
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In the 6/2019 edition of Zi Brick and Tile Industry International, the first part of this article informed readers about the technical aspects of digital printing systems. This part of the article examines the necessary preparatory work and explains the file creation process. All…

#45 Digital printing: opportunities and challenges in heavy clay ceramics

ZS Lab
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At present, in the heavy clay industry, products are decorated mainly by applying engobe with the aid of scattered granules or by means of reduction effects created by the firing process. These techniques are suitable to produce traditional products for the existing market. What…

#44 Operating temperature & ceramic production

ZS Lab
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The operating temperature is an important parameter that ceramic producers must take into account in order to avoid application problems that can also negatively affect the quality of the finished product. However, this parameter is not always easy to manage, especially if we…

#43 Chemicals for ceramic production: a focus on deflocculants and binders

ZS Lab
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Most of the ceramic production processes depend on suspensions or more generally chemical dispersions of ceramic powder in a liquid, mostly water. In order to provide the suspension with the right features, small quantities of chemicals able to modify the rheology of the system…

#42 Analysis of ceramic suspensions: tools and purpose

ZS Lab
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Gli studi di fluidificazione svolti dalle aziende che formulano e forniscono ausiliari chimici destinati alla produzione ceramica sono analisi spesso imprescindibili utili ad agevolare e a consentire il corretto svolgimento del processo produttivo. L'episodio offre una…

#41 Chemicals & seasonality: problems and suggestion

ZS Lab
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In ambito ceramico l’uso di additivi ricopre un ruolo determinante, se non imprescindibile, per perconferire al prodotto finito alti risultati tecnico-estetici e per far sì che il processo produttivo si svolga con tutti i crismi. Talvolta, tuttavia, l’azione degli additivi può…