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ZS Lab is the Z&S CERAMCO’s digital platform based on training and education with a focus on sharing know-how.
Aware that chemistry and its related production processes may seem complicated and hard to understand, Z&S Ceramco wants to offers users information, solutions and know-how that try to give an easier perspective on chemistry applied to the ceramic field.
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#43 Chemicals for ceramic production: a focus on deflocculants and binders

ZS Lab
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Most of the ceramic production processes depend on suspensions or more generally chemical dispersions of ceramic powder in a liquid, mostly water. In order to provide the suspension with the right features, small quantities of chemicals able to modify the rheology of the system…


Also denominate as acrylic aldehyde (the simplest of unsaturated aldehyde), it is a liquid colorless chemical compound characterized by a pungent smell that reminds of burned fat.
The acrolein evaporates quickly, burns easily and is easily soluble in water, alcohol and numerous organic solvents.
If it is inhaled it may cause lung and respiratory damage, also causing eye irritation.



An aldehyde is an organic compound whose name derives from DEHYDrogenated ALcohol, which is one of its possibile methods of preparation.
The simplest compound of the aldehyde's family is methanal (better known as formaldehyde) which is often used as a preservative or bactericidal medium.
ATOMISATION In the ceramic industry, the process eliminates the water content of the body prior to pressing. Spray dryer machines are used for this, in order to obtain granules (hollow spheres) whose dimension is about 500 micron, and with a residual humidity about 7%. The resulting granular product is proper to be pressed, creating the green tile.

BINDER Product able to create cohesion between inhomogeneous glazes where - specifically - water is not well blended with glaze's powder ("sand in water" effect). Binding agents give homogeneity and consistency to the suspension.



A product containing substances or active principles which disinfect or prevent the degradation of a material. An active principleis a substance able to act against damaging organisms. The action of a biocide on such organisms will vary according to type: from ineffective, to abatement, to total elimination.